As children connect with one another and participate in fun, meaningful activities, adult leaders guide and encourage them to draw closer to Jesus – to know Him, trust Him and follow His example of love, forgiveness and compassion for others.


Lighthouse Kids Choir: K-6th grades

Wednesdays, 4:15-5:00pm, Wesley Hall
Children learn a variety of styles of music and what it means to worship God. There is a little bit of singing, even more movement, and a whole lot of fun! Children perform several times at our services September through May and present seasonal musicals. 2024-25 proposed performance dates: 
  • Sunday, Sept 29 (tentative) 
  • Sunday, Dec 8 @ 4:00pm (seasonal musical/presentation)
  • Sunday, April 13, 2025 (Palm Sunday, 8:30am/11am traditional services) 
  • Sunday, April 27, 2025 (Spring Musical/Kids Takeover Sunday) 

SWIFT: 5th & 6th grade 

Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30pm, Pier Hallway - 2nd Floor of Education Building
Students will learn and know how it feels to own their faith. Our fall study focuses on Discipleship. This group engages in large and small group discussions, mission projects, hang-out time, and social
  • March 16, 9:45am Bibles & Beignets - Join us as we walk to Panini Pete's to enjoy beignets and a devotional lesson.
  • March 26, 6pm Serve Night - After our weekly lesson, we'll be doing a couple of different service projects to benefit Baldwin Family Village and other area needs. 

PIER KIDS: Kindergarten - 4th Grade 

Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30pm in Ed Bldg, 1st floor, Pier Hallway
Once you check in on the Pier Hallway, kids go to their small group rooms for get-to-know-you activities and games. Then, all groups head downstairs to Wesley Hall for large group worship and Bible lesson. Afterwards, we take what we've learned and go to our small group rooms on the Pier Hallway to discuss and reinforce our main point through games, activities, crafts, and Bible study! 

Sundays for Kids

Register below! For questions or concerns about any of our programs, contact Jenna Hood, Director of Children's Ministries, at  or calling 928.1148

Register for Wednesday Activities

Every child participating in these children's programs must have a notarized 2023-2024 EMERGENCY RELEASE FORM on file. If your child has one on file from our 2023 Stellar VBS or Blue Lake Summer Camp, there is no need to do another one.

2024-25 Emergency Release Form

* Wednesday Night Suppers will be served in the CLC Fellowship Hall from 5:00-6:00pm.
* Nursery available for younger children who have parents/caregivers who are on campus participating in an adult study/ministry or serving in a children/youth program.

Below is a button for our Linktree. On the Linktree, you can find links to all registrations, facebook groups, GroupMe chats for your child's age group, and important forms. 


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