Fairhope United Methodist Church has a history of commitment to missions. Through hands-on ministry and financial support, our membership seeks to do God's will both locally and abroad. We strive to equip people in ways that will allow them to serve in this ministry based on their spiritual gifts, desires, and availability.
We support several missionaries to help them spread the good news of Jesus Christ in foreign lands. We send mission teams annually to Costa Rica and Mexico to lend aid and financial support to missionaries in their work. We have also served in India and Ghana. We support, facilitate, and send medical and construction mission teams to Haiti. We broaden that call to service with medical teams to Ecuador.
Locally, there is much to be done and our mission team works diligently to find projects to allow our volunteers to be involved in some aspect of mission work. One way we help locally is through supporting Ecumenical Ministries, a local agency that ministers to people who need help. This service provides food, clothing, and appropriate monetary relief. We also take part in a community wide mission focus with other churches in the area twice a year called "Love Fairhope". On this day we go out and work on different types of projects that local people need throughout the community.
Fairhope UMC also partners with Family Promise, a ministry that serves the homeless families of Baldwin County. Quarterly for one week, we become a "home" for families that are transitioning from being without a home to becoming homeowners again. We provide a evening meal & comfortable space for those families in the program.
Another outreach that Fairhope UMC participates in is Habitat for Humanity Builds.
In the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic event, the Fairhope UMC Disaster Response team seeks to prepare for and respond to disasters in our area. The team is active in preparation and relief efforts. All volunteers/team members must be certified through the UM Conference. Training for that is usually held in coordination with the district office.
Youth Mission Work is also a part of who we are and what we do. The youth of our church have been instrumental in reaching out to various regions within the United States. Youth are active in local missions and service to the immediate community as well.
For more information, contact Jennifer Myrick at .