Come Sing or Ring with Us!

For persons age 4 through adulthood, we offer opportunities to be involved in our music ministry --- by singing, playing handbells, keyboard instruments or other instruments. Follow the links to find out what's available --- and email or phone Tom Hood, Director of Music Ministries, to find our where you can plug in!


7:55am – Worship Choir Warm-up (B203)

The Worship Choir is made up of adults age 16 and above who seek to glorify God through music. This choir serves as the principal choir for the 8:30am worship service. Worship Choir rehearsals are on Sunday mornings at 8:00am. This choir sings arrangements of familiar hymns and other music that is easy to learn quickly. No musical training required only a love of music.

10:30am - Chancel Choir Warm-up (B203)

The Chancel Choir is made up of adults age 16 and above who seek to glorify God through music, in worship, and in supporting, caring and praying for one another in Christian love. This choir serves as the principal choir for the 11:00am worship service. The Chancel Choir rehearses each Wednesday from 6:30pm – 8:00pm in the choir room B203. Sunday morning rehearsals begin at 10:35am prior to the worship service. The Chancel Choir provides music each Sunday and presents special musical worship services at Christmas and Easter.

No audition is necessary. You do not need to be a trained musician to sing in the Chancel Choir, only a love for music and singing. Persons who want to share their faith by singing and who will commit to regular attendance to Wednesday rehearsal and Sunday worship are always welcome.

What are rehearsals like? We practice music for upcoming worship services and special events in an atmosphere that is fun and laid back. We allow time for announcements and share prayer concerns. Each rehearsal ends with a choir member led devotional and prayer.

Child care is available if requested in advance.


6:00pm – Chancel Bell (adult handbells) Educ. Bldg. Rm. 205


4:15pm - 5:00pm - Children's Choirs (click here for more information)

6:30pm – Chancel Choir (age 16 and up) Educ. Bldg. Rm B203

Playing Instruments

Our worship is enriched by instrumental music played by our organ, and by piano, handbells, and other instruments. If you play an instrument and wish to explore the possibility of playing in worship or for other events, please contact Tom Hood

For information about any of our music programs, contact Tom Hood, our Choir Director.

Email Tom


(click the calendar button below for more dates)

Palm Sunday
April 13, 2025

Join us for Palm Sunday as we celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem! This...

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