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A Word from Dr. Darren, Part Two

A Word from Dr. Darren, Part Two

by Dr. Darren McClellan on January 20, 2021

photo by Nick Fewings

Dear Friends,

Here is part two of today’s message, specifically for our congregation:

It is with a heart of compassion and a spirit of transparency that I write this letter to you, beloved church, to lift up a few of the current rocks in our road and some of the questions that rightfully accompany them:

I heard Sunday that the pastors are in quarantine.  Is everyone okay?

Yes, it is true.  Rev. Laura and I have both been in quarantine this week, due to separate exposures to positive cases.  We have also had one positive case within our staff, which has led several others to take similar precautions as well.  Laura’s test came back clear as of yesterday.  I will be tested later this afternoon.  We are both hoping to be sufficiently cleared to be back in worship this Sunday, Jan 24.  Please keep your church staff in your prayers.

What is the problem with our recent livestream of the traditional worship services?  The last several weeks have been infuriating!

Yes, they have…but hear the good news!

After countless hours of troubleshooting and professional consultation, and making every reasonable attempt to be good stewards of what we already have, the decision was made to replace our insufficient system in the sanctuary and acquire the necessary technologies to help ensure a satisfactory experience for all. 

The cost of this new system for the sanctuary was $7,517.  This includes Apple Care (insurance for tech issue repair) and a mount (to attach to the wall behind the desk).  It has been ordered and is scheduled to arrive next week. 

As a sign of steadfast support, one of our members has already made an additional contribution to cover half of that expense.  Recognizing what a priority this is for our transmission of the gospel, I give additional thanks to our Trustees for their support, to our staff and volunteers for their resiliency under pressure, and to any and all who would like to respond with similar generosity to help meet this particular need.  Gifts can be designated to “livestream support” through the church office or through the giving link at www.fairhopeumc.org.

In light of the inconsistency of our current equipment, the plan for this Sunday is to record the 8:30 service and then to post it on our Facebook and YouTube pages as soon as possible.  It may be as early as 10:30.  It should be no later than 3:00pm.  Part of this variance depends on the results of a staff Covid test and whether he can fulfill this task in the presence of others, or if it is better to wait until everyone else has vacated the premises.  The 11:00 Gathering service will be livestreamed as usual.

What are our opportunities for Holy Communion?  Is this still accessible for all?

Yes, it is.  This is the Lord’s Table, after all, and Christ is our enduring host.  At this present time, all of our worship services (Sanctuary and Gathering) will include the administration of the sacrament on the first Sunday of the month, just as we have done since October 2020.  Elements are consecrated and provided through individual packaging, as prepared by our worship teams.  Other requests for communion (to be provided at one’s residence) can be made by contacting Dr. Ann Pearson or one of your pastors.  We will do our best to accommodate this need as a means of grace and connection.

A year ago we were sharing in listening sessions and learning more about various General Conference proposals.  Where do those conversations leave us now?  What is the latest?

Naturally, the reality of Covid-19 derailed much of the previous fervor around the anticipated 2020 General Conference of the United Methodist Church.  At present, the next General Conference has been scheduled for September 2021.  Due to the complications of holding a global conference under current conditions, however, the agenda is expected to be greatly reduced.  Can you imagine trying to faithfully engage such a critical work of discernment with thousands of people via Zoom?  It is hard to fathom how we could possibly do this well.  Those who were looking for a quick ruling or resolution on the “way forward” for the United Methodist Church with regard to these specific aspects of human sexuality will no doubt be frustrated. 

Currently, I welcome any and all inquiries on the subject, and respect the concerns that any may have.  My priority, however, is to not allow this to become yet another distraction that detracts us from our more central pursuits of mission and ministry.

2020 is over.  It’s now 2021.  So where do we go from here?  How can we begin to heal? 

Admittedly, there are still legitimate obstacles to our best hopes for liberation as a congregation and community.  As I had feared, the flip of the calendar did not magically relieve every ailment.  And yet, there is great hope on the horizon. 

On Thursday, Jan 14, I met with the majority of our lay leadership teams to discuss our dreams and desires for Fairhope UMC in 2021.  We affirmed our commitment to the work of connection and reconciliation.  We declared in good faith the opportunity and responsibility we share to help navigate our way through the present challenges of the world and into the way of Christ—to promote love, peace, and justice.  We acknowledge the challenges before us, as presented by the enduring pandemic, political tensions, and the many layers of denominational speculation, but also believe that God is about to do “a new thing” with and through us all.

These are difficult days, to be sure; a real test for the quality of our life together.  And once again, the temptation to be paralyzed by the anxiety of “what will happen to us?” looms large in our context.  It is why I cling to the words of Paul in his letter to the church at Colossae: “I want their hearts to be encouraged and united in love, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ himself” (Col. 2:2).  

There is much mystery that is yet to be revealed in the midst of our fellowship.  This is the inspiration of our work, even in the struggles.  While we long for our “joy to be made complete,” we also find that the grace of God still has the power to surprise and amaze. 

However, if we ever lose our focus on what we already know to be true—that God has called us to worship, to study, to give, and to serve in the name of Jesus—then our purposes will surely falter.  If we fail to speak Truth to power… or to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly… if we let the gnawing anxiety and uncertainty get the better of us…then Screwtape and Wormwood will be delighted…as our “casting the light of Jesus” will have been obscured.

Therefore, as Senior Pastor, my question for all of us at Fairhope UMC in 2021 is this:

What do we, with God’s help, want to create together?

Let’s keep the conversation going!


Grace to You, 


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