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God Is Listening

God Is Listening

by Rev. Ontonio Christie on April 23, 2021

"In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;

    in the morning I lay my requests before you

    and wait expectantly." Psalm 5:3


Do you sometimes feel like you are consistently praying, and there seems to be no response from God? You get to the point where you start to question God. "God, are you there? Are you listening? Why are you taking so long?" 


 I was sitting at my dining table this week enjoying my first cup of coffee when I came upon this verse from Psalm 5:3 "In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly"


It was a timely reminder for me and it offered some great insights into all those questions we wrestle with constantly. The verse begins, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice…”   Knowing that God’s mercies are new every morning, David faithfully sought them at the beginning of each day.


“I lay my requests before you.” Notice that there’s no description of the size of these requests. David understood that nothing was too big or too small to bring before the Lord. 

Finally, the text says that David waited “expectantly” for the Lord to respond to his requests. David truly believed that God was ready, willing, and able to act in response to his prayers – he just needed to practice patience.


Too often we have a perception of how and when God will answer our prayers. God's ways are not our way, and God's timing does not coincide with our eager expectations. But God's way and God's timing are always what's best for each of us. 


God is always listening, so pray daily without ceasing, then WAIT.



What have you been praying and waiting for? Have you invited others to pray and wait with you?


Let Us Pray:

Loving Creator, thank You for Your mercies which are new every morning. I am grateful for the reminder today that You are a God Who hears and answers prayers, in your way and in your own time. AMEN.


Blessed Love,

Rev. O

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