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Thankful for our Many Blessings

Thankful for our Many Blessings

by Dr. Ann Pearson on November 23, 2020

No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:18

“Thankful for our Many Blessings”

Thanksgiving Day is almost here and we need to continue to give thanks for our many blessings both on this celebrated holiday and beyond.    Some of us may say, “I can’t see my blessings” but I want to encourage you to believe God is blessing you even when things don’t seem to be going your way.  This week’s list of blessings consists of 10 more things to be thankful for:  

  1. A quiet time with God. It brings respite, peace, calm and a chance to be in our Heavenly Father’s presence.
  2. Joy from God that dwells deep in our souls.  He offers joy to us as a permanent gift no matter what feelings we might be experiencing.
  3. The nearness of God is as close as a whispered prayer, close as our very next breath.  He is never far away, always beside us.
  4. God can handle all our problems.  He is always available 24-7, never too busy to answer our calls.
  5.  Time to go on walks, to sit by the ocean, to gaze at the mountains so that we can clear our minds and concentrate on God our Heavenly Father.
  6. Rainbows bring hope and are a wonderful reminder that the storms of life won’t last forever.
  7. For good health and realize that it is a blessing that should not be taken for granted.
  8. God has created seasons to give hope and change for new days.  We can see life through new lenses.
  9. Friends who encourage and support us throughout our lives.  The body of Christ and our faith community keeps us strong.
  10. God’s unconditional love for us always.   He gives us more than we deserve.   We are blessed people.

I hope this week’s list is helping you see some of the many blessings God bestows on you daily.  We are all blessed in some way.

Happy Thanksgiving Church Family and my prayers for a blessed time during this Holiday season.


Dear Heavenly Father, we continue to reflect on all that you provide in our lives.   Help us to see our many blessings and give thanks to You. In Christ’s Holy Name, Amen

My love and prayers,


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