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by Rev. Ontonio Christie on February 26, 2021

Psalm 93:4

More majestic than the thunders of mighty waters

more majestic than the waves of the sea

majestic on high is the Lord!


I have been thinking about waves a lot this week, and maybe it's because I am missing the beach and probably need to get my sun, sand, and saltwater fix. As much as I love the beach, I am terrified of its vastness, the creatures that inhabit it, and how monstrous and deadly the waves could get. However, there is just something inviting about it, something that keeps me going back and yearning for more. It's the place I feel most at home, It's where I go when I need a reminder of God's majesty. 


The Psalmist describes God as being more majestic than the thunders of mighty waters and the waves of the sea. God’s power and might greatly exceeds that of any pounding surf or tsunami. 


But the many storms and waves of life sometimes throw us into thinking otherwise. When we struggle, we have a tendency to take our eyes off God and put them on the waves crashing down on us. It is then that we need to stop and take a quiet moment to reflect on the great truth of this verse. The power of crashing waves and thunders of mighty waters is nothing compared to the majesty of God.



What are you struggling with this week? What waves are crashing down on you? 


Let Us Pray:

God of majesty, bring order to the chaos we face and calm the storms we must endure. Help us to ride the waves of life like a surfer, knowing you are right there here with us.


Blessed Love,

Rev. O

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