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Meet the Fairhope UMC Discernment Team

Meet the Fairhope UMC Discernment Team

by on November 10, 2022

Discernment Team Elected!

At the recent Board of Stewards meeting the following persons were elected to the Discernment Team:

Emily Garner (Co Chair)
Don Dolan (Co Chair)
Troy Capstraw
Rebekah Chambless
Allan Chason
Mary Corbitt
Carol Danforth
Emily Determann
Ava Dowden
John Estes
Noah Funderburg
Joe McGilberry
John Richardson
Katie Robertson
Lany Simmons
Norma Walden
Phil Webb

The task of this team will include:
  1. To gather, pray, inquire, listen, and evaluate the relevant aspects of this discussion for
    Fairhope UMC.

  2. To support the concerns of the congregation as we work to identify the critical
    questions that will need to be addressed in order to faithfully pursue God's will here at
    Fairhope UMC.

  3. To help serve as witnesses and educators to the congregation at large, seeking to
    provide prudent and accurate information in a timely fashion.

  4. To seek a deeper understanding of how the issues at hand are relevant to the theology,
    worship, outreach, and fellowship of our local congregation.

  5. To present to the Board of Stewards, after a period of due diligence and discovery,
    information and alternatives for the church’s consideration of our next steps in the
    identity of mission and ministry for this congregation.

Please be in prayer for this team as they faithfully pursue God’s will here at Fairhope UMC.

questions for the discernment team?

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