Fairhope United Methodist Church
Permanent Endowment Fund
A Lasting Act of Love and a Stewardship Commitment
Your church fully supports an Endowment Ministry. Donors who contribute to the endowment show their love for Fairhope UMC and understand that their gifts positively impact Church ministry and mission programs in perpetuity.
Who manages the fund?
The Permanent Endowment Trustees of Fairhope United Methodist Church manages the fund.
They currently are:
Scott Koser
Doug Garner
Anne Dorman
Craig Helms
Lany Simmons
Steve Pearson
Our investment philosophy is to maximize appropriate Endowment returns on assets by producing growing income for Church ministries and missions into perpetuity.
What is a planned gift?
A planned gift to the church is a financial gift structured to serve the needs of the church as well as the giver. The Gift can be part of an estate plan, part of an IRA strategy or made in concert with tax planning.
What makes this gift different from other forms of church giving?
Our endowment fund is a permanent fund targeted to produce income to be used for Fairhope United Methodist Church purposes. When funds are available and distributed, they will support projects above and beyond normal budgeted items.
Are permanent endowment fund gifts tax deductible?
Yes. Most gifts to the Fairhope United Methodist Church Endowment Fund are deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. Bequests, life income gifts and other donations of value are generally exempt from Federal Estate and gift taxes.
Ways to Give:
There are may types of gifts that could benefit our permanent endowment fund. A few of these are but are not limited to:
- Beneficiary of Will
- Cash
- Charitable Gifts
- IRA and Retirement Accounts
- Stocks and Bonds
- Personal Property Appreciated Assets
Is my gift too small?
Because all gifts are pooled together into the Endowment Fund, they have a cumulative effect making even the smallest gift significant. Every gift contributes to the overall growth of the principal amount, which compounds the income paid out to the church.
What happens to the funds in the Endowment Fund, if the church affiliation changes?
The funds in the Endowment Fund will remain permanentely with the church, regardless of the church name change or an affiliation change, which may or may not happen in the future.
Why have an endowment Fund?
Endowment funds can:
- Grow the ministry
- Help fund future needs - known and unknown
- Act as a financial benefactor in the care for our facilities
- Help our church avoid conflict over money
- Provide individuals with a lasting way to give
- Provide financial peace of mind
Endowment funds provide donors an opportunity to:
- Make a permanent gift from a lifetime assets
- Touch present and future ministries beyond your lifetime
- Leave a legacy of love that will always be remembered
Endowment funds say We...
- BELIEVE in the future of our church
- OBEY God's call for good stewardship
- TRUST that God will bless our efforts and call forward those to build His Spiritual household
- LOOK to a lasting future beyond the present
- HONOR God through our permanent financial gifts
Contact Information
For more information on making a planned gift, call the church office 251-928-1148 or contact:
Jeff White,
Scott Koser,