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A Message from Dr. Darren in regards to General Conference

by Dr. Darren McClellan on March 04, 2021

Dear Friends,
I hope this message find you well.
As some of you are already aware, a recent announcement was made about the postponement of the 2021 General Conference due to the logistical challenges that are presented by the pandemic.
A recent address from Bishop David Graves on this specific matter can be found here.

AWFUMC: A Word from Bishop Graves: A Response to General and Jurisdictional Conference News
Naturally, this news is likely to generate a variety of responses and opinions.  Let me take this opportunity once again to affirm my covenant as an Elder of the United Methodist Church, and to confirm our mutual commitment of obedience to the doctrine and polity of the current United Methodist Book of Discipline.  
As noted in this press release, there is nothing pertaining to our future affiliation to be voted on at this time, apart from the regular reaffirmation of our baptismal vows.  Furthermore, I believe that there is much to be done in the name of Christ without having to wait for a General Conference.  I do pray that this development will not detract us from our fundamental mission of making disciples here at Fairhope UMC.
So hear the good news!  The decision to follow Jesus is ever before us.  Should you have questions or inspirations on how we can faithfully respond to that invitation together, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly, as I would enjoy exploring these matters personally with all who are interested.  

Grace to You, 

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