Series: Community Conversations
The Commitment Conversation (The Gathering Service)
October 20, 2019 | Rev. Ontonio Christie
Passage: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Series Information

In this new series, we are going to be exploring two dramatic answers to one glorious question: how is a community built?
Our first pursuit of this discovery will be through the lens of Scripture, beginning with the promise made to Father Abraham. “You shall be my people,” God says again and again. Abraham and Sarah’s descendants see the promise unfold, despite lives complicated by misfortune, weakness and life’s stumbling blocks. Does this promise still hold for us today? What is our responsibility?
Our second resource for this series will be Community: The Structure of Belonging by Peter Block. The vision for his work is to:
-Build the social fabric and transform the isolation within our communities into connectedness and caring for the whole.
-Shift our conversations from the problems of community to the possibility of community.
-Commit to create a future distinct from the past.
This is a bold agenda, but one that speaks well to our sense of mission here at Fairhope UMC. We’re glad you’re here to join us in this ‘conversation.’
Welcome to the community!