Walking With Jesus in the Dirt (The Gathering Worship)

Series: Faithful in Five Challenge

Walking With Jesus in the Dirt (The Gathering Worship)

August 04, 2024 | Rev. Michael Precht

Passage: John 13:1-17

Series Information

At Fairhope UMC, we show the world what the kingdom of heaven looks like through our PRAYERS, PRESENCE, GIFTS, SERVICE, and WITNESS.
In worship this past Sunday, Rev. Michael invited everyone to be "Faithful in Five" during his first 90 days as the Senior Pastor at Fairhope UMC. You can accept that invitation by taking a new step in one or more of these five areas.AND, when you commit to praying for your church 5 times a week, you can also subscribe to our new 5-Day Devotion.

Join the "Faithful in five" challenge here