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"Come Holy Spirit"

"Come Holy Spirit"

by Rev. Laura Parker on March 26, 2020

4:12 PM


John 14:25-26 (NRSV)

25 “I have said these things to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.”


I have an alarm on my watch set for 4:12 PM every day so I can pray as Pastor Darren has asked us to do. This is the time of day when I am inevitably deeply involved in something and would never remember to watch the clock on my own. I NEED this reminder to pray. And I must say I am somewhat startled every day when my alarm goes off!


Easter WILL come this year on April 12th. I am not sure what that day will look like this year. But even today as I ponder all the changes in what “church” looks like during this time of social distancing, one thing is true--Easter is NOT dependent upon anything I do. Easter is ultimately ALL about what Jesus has already done for us. Easter worship is merely a time for us to celebrate God’s good gift to us and give God all the glory and all our love for a deep, abiding sacrifice made on our behalf.


Pastor Darren did not give us specific instructions on how to pray at 4:12 pm every day, but for me, from the beginning my prayer has been, “Come, Holy Spirit.” I learned a prayer many years ago that asks just that of God, to send the Holy Spirit upon faithful followers of Jesus Christ so that we may receive inspiration to be co-workers in the creative work God has in mind for disciples of Jesus Christ.


I learned the “Prayer to the Holy Spirit” when I made my Walk to Emmaus in 1993. This prayer is still prayed at Emmaus Walks before each talk, asking God to work through the words of the one who has prepared the talk and to speak into the lives of those who are listening. At first, I thought this was just an “Emmaus thing”, but later learned that these words are from a very old prayer out of the Catholic tradition that was adopted by Emmaus and other sister renewal movements.


If we are asking God to work new and fresh in our lives and in our community through the power of resurrection, what better way to pray than to ask the Holy Spirit to breathe on us new and fresh? These days call for something new and God is the author of creativity and inspiration.


So, will you consider praying this prayer with me at 4:12 pm one of these afternoons? When two or more are gathered, we know God is present! Our “gathering” just looks a little different these days, but a creative God who works through the Holy Spirit is not bothered or deterred by that one bit. Will you pray with me?


The Prayer to the Holy Spirit:


Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. 

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


Whatever It Takes,


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